Fire Safety:
Practices that are aimed at reducing the destruction caused by fire are
listed under fire safety. These practices are generally designed for
uncontrolled fire in any place and the precautions that has to be carried out
in case of happening.
Threat to fire are known to be fire hazards and safety
practices aims at reduction of these fire hazards.
Following could form hazards of fire in your workplace.
- Overloaded electrical systems that forms hot wire connections.
- Flammable storage spaces with lack of protection.
- Usage of flammable liquids or solvents.
- Fire doors left open.
- Heating appliances.
- Blocked walkaways and fire escapes.
- Restricting the range of sprinkler heads by stacking goods.
Various other reasons might add up depending on your
workplace environment.
Fire Codes:
Making fire safety more organized, fire codes are set for protection of
both human and material resources against fire with ISO’s safety standards.
These codes could be trained and implemented successfully in
your organization for both active and passive fire safety protection and a fire
safety policy be kept live.
These codes set the maximum occupancy in your workplace
depending on the volume spacing, the safety equipment like portable fire
extinguisher, fire sprinkler and fire alarm system that are to be installed.
On top of all, educating every single individual in your
work environment has become a necessity.
The immediate action to protect the resources, prioritizing
between saving themselves or resources based on the type and spreading pace of
the fire and to use the best possible way towards exit.
With increased usage of electrical and electronic equipment
across most of the multi storeyed buildings, reduction of fire hazards and
education of fire safety has become the need of the hour.
Don’t let years of your work go up in smoke.
Get your entire workforce trained with an introductory
webinar training on Fire Safety Implementation by Skillwise Academy.
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