5S is a Japanese
method of organizing your workplace to increase efficiency and effectiveness
and maintain an order in production process. Organized logistics and material
placement is definitely going to help the workplace efficiency and accelerate
production at a greater pace, making the operations more accessible and agile.
The 5 S’ has significant meaning inscribed in them.
Seiri – Sort:
- Work with ease by eliminating obstacles.
- Avoid chances of disturbance by unwanted materials.
- Evaluate required items with regard to cost or usage.
- Place a red tag area to store things that needs to be disposed off.
- Highly skilled supervisor to monitor Seiri regularly.
Seiton – Order:
- Arrange all the required materials to make it easier to pick and place.
- Place tools and equipment in close vicinity to lessen the movements.
- Vision to all required materials should be clear and close.
- Ensure first-in-first-out FIFO basis of logistics.
Seiso – Shine:
- Set frequency for cleaning
- Use cleaning as inspection.
- Prevent machinery and equipment mishap.
- Keep the workplace tidy and pleasing for work.
- 50 feet of vision is the space an unfamiliar person should be able to detect a defect.
Seiketsu –
- Standardize the best practices in the workplace.
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has to be pursued upon at all times.
- Everything in its right place.
- Each process should follow the line of standards.
Shitsuke – Sustain:
- Performing regular audits.
- Training on the 5S’ and maintain discipline.
- Feedback on 5S’ implementation success is mandatory.
- Self-discipline is one thing that helps 5S to sustain.
- Ensure all defined standards are being implemented.
5S has strong roots of application in the fields of
manufacturing, healthcare, education, government and process development.
The underlying principle behind implementation of 5S is that
the new tools or materials gets out of the reach of men, if scraps are not
segregated, tending to cause a confusion as to choose which to be used for the
5S has close association with implementation and operation
of lean management. More organized is the workplace and process, lesser would
be the production of waste and hence an increase in efficiency.
Drive your organization towards the apex of efficiency with
a webinar training on 5S and its implementation from Skillwise Academy.
Log on to www.skill-wise.com
for more details.