Industry 4.0 – Taking Industrial Automation to the next level – Skillwise Consulting

What is Industry 4.0?

Processing and automation in industries are changing the way it operated for ages and the reason being the concept of Industry 4.0. It utilises the functionalities of cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing.

Industry 4.0 combines a network of connected systems over cloud space enhancing automation and data exchange facilities to make a virtual workspace for decision making.
The connected devices communicate and operate within each other and the humans for defect free automation of operations.


Following are the four design principles to look into before implementing Industry 4.0 in your organization.


The ability of machines, people and sensors to communicate with each other through the Internet of Things (IoT).


The ability of information systems to create a virtual model of the physical workspace. This helps in better and faster communication across devices.

Technical Assistance:

  •     Systems providing information on decision making to humans on a short notice.
  •     Support humans through physical tasks that are unpleasant, exhausting or unsafe for humans to do.

Decentralizing Decisions:

Decisions and actions should be as autonomous as possible. Only on conflicting or intercepting decisions, a human’s help should be required.

Such design system of Industry 4.0 requires 6Cs for big data analytics.

Connection, Cloud, Cyber, Content, Community, Customization.

The presence of these components makes well sure that any anomaly in the working of the connected devices or encountering a failure is corrected and notified. Information algorithm also notifies of any machine degradation, component wear or any other defects that could affect production process.

Skillwise Consulting provides training on Industry 4.0 implementation on the domains of services and business models, IT security, product life cycles, and industry value chain.

Get ready to experience a more connected, analytics-driven automated industry and enjoy the benefit on cost cuts and industrial efficiency.

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