Training on Artificial Intelligence – Embracing the future!

Training on Artificial Intelligence – Embracing the future!

Artificial Intelligence(AI)?

A booming branch of intelligence ingestion into computers, aiming to create machines that can manipulate and process complex logics, decision making and problem solving on the insights obtained from those processes.

What’s in it for your organization?

To set you up on the technological race, Yes! From aviation to computer science, education finance, hospitals, marketing, music, customer service and what not! The development of AI is rocketing up every day and if you’re updating regularly, fascinating is the fact that Dubai has already launched its first of its kind AI robot cops.

With automation reducing workforce manpower already, AI finds an important place in taking automation to next level of cutting and enhancing management manpower as well.
Take a look at few instances of AI being deployed currently.

·         Speech Recognition: Verbex 7000, a basic level AI uses learning deployed with neural networks in speech recognition software.

·         Technical Training: DARPA, Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency uses AI to develop a digital tutor to train its Navy recruits in technical skills in a shorter amount of time.

·         Health: Computer-aided interpretation of medical images help scan digital images, e.g. from computed tomography, for typical appearances and to highlight conspicuous sections, such as possible diseases such as a tumour.

·         Customer Service: IPSoft is creating technology with emotional intelligence to adapt the customer's interaction. The response is linked to the customer's tone, with the objective of being able to show empathy.

Its applications are widespread among the domains of data mining, e-mail spam filtering, gesture recognition, supply chain management, marketing and logistics. Evolution of AI finds its place in processing almost every organizational activity in lightning speeds with error free output.
The day when your company will have to employ AI isn’t too far. Get trained to gear up and move with the automation efficiency of AI. Come, join the race of future hunt!

Grab the opportunity with Skillwise Academy’s exclusive webinar sessions on AI on the following.

·       Applications, Industries and growth
·       Techniques used for AI
·       AI for everything
·       Getting started with Artificial Intelligence

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